
2021-04-09 07:54:05 字數 1688 閱讀 1617

for i = 1 to 11

for j = 1 to 11

if map(i, j) = a and map(i + 1, j + 1) = a and map(i + 2, j + 2) = a and map(i + 3, j + 3) = a and map(i + 4, j + 4) = a then gameover = a: exit function

next j

next i

for i = 5 to 15

for j = 5 to 15

if map(i, j) = a and map(i - 1, j - 1) = a and map(i - 2, j - 2) = a and map(i - 3, j - 3) = a and map(i - 4, j - 4) = a then gameover = a: exit function

next j

next i

for i = 5 to 15

for j = 1 to 11

if map(i, j) = a and map(i - 1, j + 1) = a and map(i - 2, j + 2) = a and map(i - 3, j + 3) = a and map(i - 4, j + 4) = a then gameover = a: exit function

next j

next i

for i = 1 to 11

for j = 5 to 15

if map(i, j) = a and map(i + 1, j - 1) = a and map(i + 2, j - 2) = a and map(i + 3, j - 3) = a and map(i + 4, j - 4) = a then gameover = a: exit function

next j

next i

for i = 1 to 15

for j = 5 to 11

if map(i, j) = a and map(i, j - 1) = a and map(i, j - 2) = a and map(i, j - 3) = a and map(i, j - 4) = a then gameover = a: exit function

if map(i, j) = a and map(i, j + 1) = a and map(i, j + 2) = a and map(i, j + 3) = a and map(i, j + 4) = a then gameover = a: exit function

next j

next i

for i = 5 to 11

for j = 1 to 15

if map(i, j) = a and map(i + 1, j) = a and map(i + 2, j) = a and map(i + 3, j) = a and map(i + 4, j) = a then gameover = a: exit function

if map(i, j) = a and map(i - 1, j) = a and map(i - 2, j) = a and map(i - 3, j) = a and map(i - 4, j) = a then gameover = a: exit function

next j

next i

gameover = 0 

下五子棋的bot 五子棋演算法

include include include include include include jsoncpp json.h c 編譯時預設包含此庫 define n 7 每個節點的分支數 以下為各棋型的識別碼 權重 define win 1 4000 define lose 2 4000 defi...


這裡設計和實現了一個人機對下的五子棋程式,採用了博弈樹的方法,應用了剪枝和最大最小樹原理進行搜尋發現最好的下子位置。介紹五子棋程式的資料結構 評分規則 勝負判斷方法和搜尋演算法過程。一 相關的資料結構 關於盤面情況的表示,以連結串列形式表示當前盤面的情況,目的是可以允許使用者進行悔棋 回退等操作。c...

五子棋演算法(c )

野路子實現,完全自己想出來的實現方式,將棋盤轉成一維陣列,尋找橫向 縱向 左斜 右斜元素下標的關係。橫向 元素之間下標相差1 縱向 元素之間下標相差棋盤寬度 右斜 元素之間下標相差寬度 1 左斜 元素之間下標相差寬度 1 沒有寫介面,先用測試資料 public static void main st...


本想窮舉五子棋必勝點,可惜呀,這貨窮舉太不現實了,寫出來了,根本沒辦法執行出來結果 include include include define rl 17 char s 14 int five rl rl void init void void print void int cs int i,in...

普通 五子棋

五子棋 五子棋是世界智力運動會競技專案之一,是一種兩人對弈的純策略型棋類遊戲,是世界智力運動會競技專案之一,通常雙方分別使用黑白兩色的棋子,下在棋盤直線與橫線的交叉點上,先形成5子連線者獲勝。棋具與圍棋通用,起源於中國上古時代的傳統黑白棋種之一。主要流行於華人和漢字文化圈的國家以及歐美一些地區,是世...