
2022-08-21 15:51:13 字數 2779 閱讀 9009



static class index


final boolean casright(indexcmp, indexval)


final boolean indexesdeletednode()


final boolean link(indexsucc, indexnewsucc)


final boolean unlink(indexsucc)

private static final sun.misc.unsafe unsafe;

private static final long rightoffset;

static catch (exception e) }}


static final class headindexextends index


public v put(k key, v value) 

private v doput(k key, v value, boolean onlyifabsent)


if (b.value == null || v == n)



if ((c = cpr(cmp, key, n.key)) > 0)


if (c == 0)

break; //cas競爭失敗則繼續

}// else c < 0; fall through


z = new node(key, value, n);


if (!b.casnext(n, z))



break outer;}}

int rnd = threadlocalrandom.nextsecondaryseed();


if ((rnd & 0x80000001) == 0)

else }}

// 找到插入點,並插入資料

splice: for (int insertionlevel = level;;)

//如果key>n.key 則繼續向後查詢

if (c > 0)

}// 表示r為null,即找到該層的最後


if (j == insertionlevel)


if (--insertionlevel == 0)

break splice;

}//如果 --j 大於等於insertlevel則繼續處理下一層

if (--j >= insertionlevel && j < level)

t = t.down;

q = q.down;

r = q.right;}}

}return null;


private nodefindpredecessor(object key, comparator super k> cmp) 


if (cpr(cmp, key, k) > 0)



if ((d = q.down) == null)

return q.node;


q = d;

r = d.right;}}


public v get(object key) 

private v doget(object key)


if (b.value == null || v == n)



if ((c = cpr(cmp, key, n.key)) == 0)

//如果小於n節點的key則返回null( 因為key>p.key)

if (c < 0)

break outer;


b = n;

n = f;}}

return null;


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