
2021-04-13 14:50:34 字數 752 閱讀 8941


4 things they want to know.

when you're ****** a pitch here's what she wants to know:

1.salary and benefits

2.corporate culture

3.her confidentiality will be protected

4.details on the hiring process (clear instruction on a web site)

your pitch needs 4 things.

a candidate has to see quickly and clearly:

1.that you want someone like her. (targeting statement)

2.why she should want you. (engagement statement)

3.back up evidence for 1 & 2.

4.signs of a positive candidate experience.


對候選人得票的統計程式 設有 3 個候選人,今有 10 個人參加投票,從鍵盤先後輸入這 10 個人所投的候選人的名字,要求最後輸出這 3 個候選人的得票結果。結構體與陣列 include include using namespace std struct person 宣告結構體型別person ...


輸入 輸入候選人的人數,第二行輸入候選人的名字,第三行輸入投票人的人數,第四行輸入投票。輸出 每行輸出候選人的名字和得票數量。樣例輸入 4a b c d 8a b c d e f g h 樣例輸出 a 1 b 1 c 1 d 1 invalid 4 include include include t...


題目描述 coco班級缺少乙個生活委員,班主任組織了一次班委補選,有5個候選人參加 分別是chen,li,qian,wang,zhang 參加投票的同學有10人,每張選票上只能寫乙個人的名字。請設計程式統計每一位候選人的得票結果。輸入要求 輸入10張選票上的姓名,每張選票上只有乙個名字。輸出要求 輸...