
2021-04-13 23:55:20 字數 3336 閱讀 4542



本人載**開發gis,遊自編的最短路徑查詢程式,速度特快,3萬節點,35000條路全部遍歷,只需1秒。現將最短路徑的思路告訴大家,希望大家在優化,並用不同語言編制,我正在學delphi,準備用delphi做成庫,本例以由拓撲關係的arc/info 檔案為資料來源。其中a1,b1,c1是以fnode排序生成的陣列,a1對應fnode,b1對應tnode,c1對應length,同樣a2,b2,c2,是以tnode 生成的陣列。indexa1是對應某一起點與其相連的終點的個數,indexb1時對應某一終點與其相連的起點的個數,即其拓撲關係。

public function shortpath(startno as integer, endno as integer) as single


dim result() as single

dim result1 as integer


dim s1 as single

dim min as single

dim ii, i, j, aa as integer

dim yc() as boolean

dim ycd() as boolean

dim rs1() as single

dim no() as integer

dim nopoint as integer

redim yc(1 to maxno) as boolean

redim ycd(1 to maxno) as boolean

redim rs1(1 to maxno) as single

redim result(1 to 2, 1 to maxno) as single


for i = 1 to maxno// maxno為網中最大的節點數。

yc(i) = false //標記已經查過的點。

ycd(i) = false //標記已經作結果點用過的點

rs1(i) = 1e+38 //假設從起點到任一點的距離都為無窮大

next i

ll = startno //設定開始點。

yc(ll) = true //標記開始點為真。即已經作結果點用過。

j = 0

for aa = 1 to maxno


for i = 1 to indexa1(2, ll) //以與ll點相連的起點的個數迴圈

result1 = b1(indexa1(1, ll) - i + 1)找出與ll點相連的終點的點號

s1 = c1(indexa1(1, ll) - i + 1) + result(2, ll)找出長度並求和

if yc(result1) = true then goto 200如果以被經查過進行下乙個

if ycd(result1) = true then//如果已經作為結果點判斷哪乙個長

if rs1(result1) >= s1 then//如果這一點到起點的長度比現在的路線長,替代

rs1(result1) = s1

result(1, result1) = ll//設定到這點的最短路徑的前一點為ll點(精華部分)

result(2, result1) = s1設定到這點的最短路徑長度

goto 200


goto 200

end if

end if


ycd(result1) = true

rs1(result1) = s1

result(1, result1) = ll

result(2, result1) = s1


j = j + 1

redim preserve no(1 to j) as integer

從新 定義陣列並使其值為當前的點號

no(j) = result1

200 next i


for i = 1 to indexb2(2, ll)

result1 = a2(indexb2(1, ll) - i + 1)

s1 = c2(indexb2(1, ll) - i + 1) + result(2, ll)

if yc(result1) = true then goto 300

if ycd(result1) = true then

if rs1(result1) >= s1 then

rs1(result1) = s1

result(1, result1) = ll

result(2, result1) = s1

goto 300


goto 300

end if

end if

ycd(result1) = true

rs1(result1) = s1

result(1, result1) = ll

result(2, result1) = s1

j = j + 1

redim preserve no(1 to j) as integer

no(j) = result1

300 next i


min = 1e+38

minpoint = null



for i = aa to j

if min > rs1(no(i)) then

ii = i

min = rs1(no(i))

minpoint = no(i)

end if

next i


if min = 1e+38 then exit function


no(ii) = no(aa)

no(aa) = minpoint


yc(minpoint) = true

ll = minpoint


if minpoint = endno then exit for

next aa


stpath = result(2, endno)

end function

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