ZOJ2563 之狀態壓縮dp

2021-06-21 09:22:50 字數 1510 閱讀 7360

long dominoes

time limit: 2 seconds      

memory limit: 65536 kb

find the number of ways to tile an m*n rectangle with long dominoes -- 3*1 rectangles.

each domino must be completely within the rectangle, dominoes must not overlap (of course, they may touch each other), each point of the rectangle must be covered.


the input contains several cases. each case stands two integers m and n (1 <= m <= 9, 1 <= n <= 30) in a single line. the input ends up with a case of m = n = 0.


output the number of ways to tile an m*n rectangle with long dominoes.

sample input

3 3

3 10

0 0

sample output




bool check(int i,int j)}}

return true;


#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define inf 99999999

typedef long long ll;

using namespace std;

const int max=20000+10;

int n,m;

int digit[13],bin[13];

ll dp[max],temp[max];//對應j位為0表示第j位豎著,2表示j-1位豎著,1表示j被填充

bool check(int i,int j)

if(digit[k] == 0)

if(digit[k] == 2)

if(digit[k] == 1)

}void dp()

if(digit[k] == 0)

if(digit[k] == 2)

if(digit[k] == 1)

}void dp(){

int bit=1,num=1;

for(int i=1;i<=m;++i)bit=bit*3,num=num+bit;


memset(temp,0,sizeof temp);

for(int i=0;i

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