
2021-08-21 22:45:52 字數 2870 閱讀 9775

多元一次方程往往採用迴圈求解。筆者在與網友們討論乙個問題(過程中,琢磨出一種演算法,採用遞迴進行多元一次方程的求解。並將解分為整數解和 非負整數解兩種情況,請大家指教。

private sub command1_click() '演示求x1+x2+x3+x4+x5=10整數解

text1.text = ""

dim answer as string

answer = getresult(5, 10, true) '賦值

dim temp

temp = split(answer, vbcrlf)

for i = 0 to ubound(temp)

temp(i) = "解" & i + 1 & ":" & vbtab & temp(i) ' add index


answer = join(temp, vbcrlf)

text1.text = "方程  x1+x2+x3+x4+x5=10 共有 " & ubound(temp) + 1 & " 個整數解:" & vbcrlf & answer 'show all answer in textbox

end sub

private sub command2_click() '演示求x1+x2+x3+x4+x5=10非負整數解

text1.text = ""

dim answer as string

answer = getresult(5, 10, false) '賦值

dim temp

temp = split(answer, vbcrlf)

for i = 0 to ubound(temp)

temp(i) = "解" & i + 1 & ":" & vbtab & temp(i) 'add index


answer = join(temp, vbcrlf)

text1.text = "方程  x1+x2+x3+x4+x5=10 共有 " & ubound(split(answer, vbcrlf)) + 1 & " 個非零整數解:" & vbcrlf & answer 'show all answer in textbox

end sub

private sub command3_click() '演示無解情況

text1.text = ""

dim answer as string

answer = getresult(5, 3, false)

dim temp

temp = split(answer, vbcrlf)

for i = 0 to ubound(temp)

temp(i) = "解" & i + 1 & ":" & vbtab & temp(i)


answer = join(temp, vbcrlf)

text1.text = "方程  x1+x2+x3+x4+x5=3 共有 " & ubound(split(answer, vbcrlf)) + 1 & " 個非零整數解:" & vbcrlf & answer

end sub


function getresult(byval n as integer, byval sum as integer, optional allowzero as boolean = true) as string

dim temp() as string, i as long

if n = 2 then '二元方程

if allowzero = true then

redim temp(sum)

for i = 0 to sum ' allow zero

temp(i) = "x1=" & i & ",x2=" & sum - i


getresult = join(temp, vbcrlf)

erase temp


redim temp(1 to sum - 1) 'forbid zero

for i = 1 to sum - 1

temp(i) = "x1=" & i & ",x2=" & sum - i


getresult = join(temp, vbcrlf)

erase temp

end if

end if

if n > 2 then

if allowzero = true then

redim temp(sum)

for i = sum to 0 step -1 ' allow zero

temp(i) = replace(getresult(n - 1, i, true), vbcrlf, ",x" & n & "=" & sum - i & vbcrlf) & ",x" & n & "=" & sum - i


getresult = join(temp, vbcrlf)

erase temp


if sum < n then msgbox "無解!": exit function '無解情況

redim temp(1 to sum - n + 1) 'not allow zero

for i = 1 to sum - n + 1

temp(i) = replace(getresult(n - 1, sum - i, false), vbcrlf, ",x" & n & "=" & i & vbcrlf) & ",x" & n & "=" & i '遞迴


getresult = join(temp, vbcrlf)

erase temp

end if

end if

end function


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