
2021-08-25 16:16:32 字數 2848 閱讀 2572

rfc1213-mib definitions ::= begin *定義了mib檔案的名稱,rfc1213就是mib2 *

imports *從其他mib中輸入檔案型別或者是oid *

mgmt, networkaddress, ipaddress, counter, gauge,


from rfc1155-smi *從rfc1155(smiv1)中輸入mgmt,networkaddress等內容*


from rfc 1212; *從rfc1212中輸入物件型別 *

mib-2 object identifier ::= *定義mib2為mgmt葉子節點編號為1及1. ,eric note,這裡可能就是最上面的乙個節點*

-- groups in mib-ii

system object identifier ::= *定義mib2的子樹 system=*

inte***ces object identifier ::= *定義mib2的子樹 int=*

at object identifier ::=

ip object identifier ::=

icmp object identifier ::=

tcp object identifier ::=

udp object identifier ::=

egp object identifier ::=

transmission object identifier ::=

snmp object identifier ::=

-- the inte***ces table

-- the inte***ces table contains information on the entity's

-- inte***ces. each inte***ce is thought of as being

-- attached to a 'subnetwork.' note that this term should

-- not be confused with 'subnet,' which refers to an

-- addressing-partitioning scheme used in the internet

-- suite of protocols.

iftable object-type *定義mib2子集iftable,首字母小寫由asn.1定義*

syntax sequence of ifentry *定義資料型別為sequence of ifentry*

access not-accessible *定義訪問方式為不能通過任何方式請求agent的變數值*

status mandatory *定義狀態為強制,agent必須按照mib2規定的執行*

description *定義此物件的說明*

"a list of inte***ce entries. the number of entries is

given by the value of ifnumber."

::= *oid=*

ifentry object-type

syntax ifentry *資料型別在後面的**中對應*

access not-accessible

status mandatory


"an inte***ce entry containing objects at the subnetwork

layer and below for a particular inte***ce."

index *對應到後面的定義,如果有6個埠,ifentry表中有6個表項*

::= *oid=*

ifentry ::= *定義一張的表,注意首字母大寫,區別於物件的定義*


ifindex object-type

syntax integer *定義資料型別為整數*

access read-only *定義訪問方式為唯讀*

status mandatory


"a unique value for each inte***ce. its value ranges

between 1 and the value of ifnumber. the value for

each inte***ce must remain constant at least from one

reinitialization of the entity's network management

system to the next reinitialization."


ifdescr object-type

syntax displaystring (size (0..255))

access read-only

status mandatory


"a textual string containing information about the

inte***ce. this string should include the name of

the manufacturer, the product name, and the version

of the hardware inte***ce."




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