
2021-03-31 08:56:58 字數 1930 閱讀 2286


vk_right right arrow key

vk_down down arrow key

vk_select select key

vk_print print key (keyboard-specific)

vk_execute execute key

vk_snapshot print screen key

vk_insert insert key

vk_delete delete key

vk_help help key

vk_multiply multiply key (numeric keypad)

vk_add add key (numeric keypad)

vk_separator separator key (numeric keypad)

vk_subtract subtract key (numeric keypad)

vk_decimal decimal key (numeric keypad)

vk_divide divide key (numeric keypad)

vk_f1 f1 key

vk_f2 f2 key

vk_f3 f3 key

vk_f4 f4 key

vk_f5 f5 key

vk_f6 f6 key

vk_f7 f7 key

vk_f8 f8 key

vk_f9 f9 key

vk_f10 f10 key

vk_f11 f11 key

vk_f12 f12 key

vk_f13 f13 key

vk_f14 f14 key

vk_f15 f15 key

vk_f16 f16 key

vk_f17 f17 key

vk_f18 f18 key

vk_f19 f19 key

vk_f20 f20 key

vk_f21 f21 key

vk_f22 f22 key

vk_f23 f23 key

vk_f24 f24 key

vk_numlock num lock key

vk_scroll scroll lock key

vk_lshift left shift key (only used with getasynckeystate and getkeystate)

vk_rshift right shift key (only used with getasynckeystate and getkeystate)

vk_lcontrol left ctrl key (only used with getasynckeystate and getkeystate)

vk_rcontrol right ctrl key (only used with getasynckeystate and getkeystate)

vk_lmenu left alt key (only used with getasynckeystate and getkeystate)

vk_rmenu right alt key (only used with getasynckeystate and getkeystate)

vk_processkey process key

vk_attn attn key

vk_crsel crsel key

vk_exsel exsel key

vk_ereof erase eof key

vk_play play key

vk_zoom zoom key

vk_noname reserved for future use

vk_pa1 pa1 key

vk_oem_clear clear key

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