資料分析 1880 2020全美嬰兒姓名

2021-08-16 05:45:12 字數 4425 閱讀 8971

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

names1880 = pd.read_csv('names/yob1880.txt', names=[ 'name', '***', 'births' ])

#print names1880


#print names1880.groupby('***').births.sum()


years = range(1880, 2011)

pieces =

columns = [ 'name', '***', 'births' ]

for year in years:

path = 'names/yob%d.txt' % year

frame = pd.read_csv(path, names=columns)

frame[ 'year' ] = year



names = pd.concat( pieces, ignore_index=true)

#print names[5000:5010]

#聚合#.tail() 返回後幾行,預設等於5

total_births = names.pivot_table( 'births', rows='year', cols='***', aggfunc=sum )

#print total_births.tail()


def add_prop(group):


births = group.births.astype(float)

group[ 'prop' ] = births / births.sum()

return group

#print names


#print np.allclose(names.groupby( ['year', '***' ]).prop.sum(), 1)

#取出乙個子集:每對 ***/year 組合的前一千個名字

def get_top1000(group):

return group.sort_index(by='births', ascending=false)[:1000]

grouped = names.groupby( ['year', '***' ])

#print top1000



boys = top1000[ top1000.*** == 'm' ]

girls = top1000[ top1000.*** == 'f' ]


total_births = top1000.pivot_table( 'births', rows='year', cols='name', aggfunc=sum )

#print total_births.tail()


subset = total_births[[ 'john', 'harry', 'mary', 'marilyn' ]]

#subset.plot(subplots=true, figsize=(12, 10), grid=false, title="number of births per year")



table = top1000.pivot_table( 'prop', rows='year', cols='***', aggfunc=sum )

#table.plot(title='sum of table1000.prop by year and ***', yticks=np.linspace(0, 1.2, 13), \

#xticks=range(1880, 2020, 10))


df = boys[ boys.year == 2010 ]

#print df


prop_cumsum = df.sort_index( by='prop', ascending=false ).prop.cumsum()

#print prop_cumsum.searchsorted(0.5)


df = boys[boys.year == 1900]

in1900 = df.sort_index(by='prop', ascending=false).prop.cumsum()

#print in1900

#in1900.searchsortedd(0.5) + 1

def get_quantile_count(group, q=0.5):

group = group.sort_index( by='prop', ascending=false)

return group.prop.cumsum().searchsorted(q) + 1

#diversity = diversity.unstack('***')

#print diversity.head()

#diversity.plot( title='numbwe of pupular names in top 50%' )



get_last_letter = lambda x :x[-1]


last_letters =names.name.map(get_last_letter)

last_letters.name = 'last_letter'

table = names.pivot_table( 'births', rows=last_letters, cols=['***', 'year'], aggfunc=sum )

# print table


subtable = table.reindex( columns=[1910, 1960, 2010], level='year' )

#print subtable.head()



letter_prop = subtable / subtable.sum().astype(float)


#fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 8))

#letter_prop['m'].plot ( kind='bar', rot=0, ax=axes[0], title='male' )

#letter_prop['f'].plot ( kind='bar', rot=0, ax=axes[1], title='female', legend=false )


letter_prop = table / table.sum().astype(float)

dny_ts = letter_prop.ix[[ 'd', 'n', 'y' ], 'm' ].t

#print dny_ts.head()





all_names = top1000.name.unique()

mask = np.array(['lesl' in x.lower() for x in all_names])

lesley_like = all_names[mask]

#print lesley_like


filtered = top1000[top1000.name.isin(lesley_like)]

#print filtered.groupby('name').births.sum()


table = filtered.pivot_table( 'births', rows='year', cols='***', aggfunc='sum' )

table = table.div(table.sum(1), axis=0)

#print table.tail()



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